Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall

Friend or Foe

Are you aware of the effects of a mirror to your body image, self confidence and overall attitude towards yourself?

In my previous experience as a dancer, I was constantly in front of a mirror with thoughts consistently clouding my mind - such as how my messy bun just wasn't quite messy enough or questioning how I could measure up against the other dancers - afterall, only one dancer would get center stage.

Mirrors in Yoga

Thankfully there is no 'center stage' in Yoga as Yoga is not a competition, everybody is on their mat for their own personal reasons - and we support one another vs create any comparisons.

Mirrors are still present in most yoga studios as they can be a great tool to check alignment. However, I can't encourage you enough to take your gaze out of the mirror, maybe even close your eyes, as the mirror can be a distraction for your practice - a gateway if you will, for a cloud of thoughts to enter the mind.

Letting Go of the Mirror

Taking your gaze out of the mirror will allow you to stay focused on your Self and personal practice. The sensations and emotions that arise during practice will become more powerful - resulting in a greater awareness of your body, and ultimately a greater confidence in yourself. 

Always remember that your practice is a personal one - one that should always be appreciated and celebrated - just the way it is. 
