Telling the Truth

"Do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

Growing up, we are told to never lie - to always tell the truth. Yet, occasionally, we catch ourselves feeling torn between being honest and telling little white lies.

The Blurred Truth

Sometimes we believe the truth isn't what others want to hear, so we embellish it in order to protect their feelings

I'll be honest (no pun intended), I used to lie quite frequently as a kid. I would lie about doing my homework, brushing my teeth, taking my vitamins - the list goes on and on.

The Honest Truth

As I grew up, I realized I wasn't just lying to others, I was also lying to myself.

I no longer felt like the cool spy I felt like as a kid, but rather felt foolish for not being able to accept the truth.

I began being honest with others - even when I knew the truth wouldn't please them. I gained people's trust and felt a weight lifted off my shoulders from no longer having to hold onto to silly lies.


Trust - difficult to gain, yet so easy to lose.

Yes, sometimes the truth will hurt.

Nevertheless, we all want to build relationships - and relationships are built on honesty and trust, not on lies and secrets.

So be honest - with others, and with yourself.
