How to Manage Your Expectations

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails" - William Arthur Ward

We all put certain expectations on ourselves.

Some of these expectations bring us closer to achieving our goals; others can cause anxiety and stress.

Be Aware

What are the expectations you put on yourself?

Are they perhaps stemmed from societal pressures?

Understand which expectations are important to you, and which ones you have created for others.

Be Selective

How do you feel when you are unable to meet your expectations?

What exactly do you gain by achieving them?

Let go of any expectations that are harmful to your health, and hold on to those which make you a better person.

Be Mindful

Allow your expectations to vary based on each day, on each moment.

Expect the unexpected and embrace all that occurs on this roller coaster that is life.
