Is It Time for a New Routine?

Having a routine invites a sense of comfort and ease, but could your routine be creating or supporting unhealthy habits?

Wake up. Check email. Drink coffee. Drink more coffee. Workout. Shower. Eat. Lesson plan. Teach. Crash and watch TV. Browse the web. Watch more TV. Teach. Run. Eat. Check phone. Brush teeth. Sleep. Repeat.

This was my routine for the past few months as I adjusted to teaching yoga 'full-time'. I wasn't able to fill my schedule with teaching and had a lot of spare time which I felt I was wasting sitting around on my computer or watching TV. I was recently offered a minimum wage job working at a cafe 30 minutes away from where I live. I haven't worked in customer service in years and am already tired of driving around to teach, but I jumped on the opportunity. Why? Because I knew it would force a change in my routine and would help me let go of some not-so-great habits.

Time for a Change

Is time passing you by yet you feel you are moving in circles? Every day seeming to be the same as the last? 

If you are feeling uninspired or unmotivated, it is time for a new routine.

Switch Things Up

Changing a routine can definitely feel a little scary. You're no longer functioning on auto pilot and are faced with challenges as you adjust to change.

Switching up your routine doesn't need to be big and scary. It could be as small of a change as going for a walk instead of having coffee when you start to crash at 3pm; taking a different route to work; packing a lunch instead of buying takeout. Or perhaps, you need a bigger change - such as a new job or hobby to explore.

Enjoy the Ride

New routines invite new energy and new experiences. They can open your eyes to bad habits, as well as to future opportunities.

I only just started the new job this week, so I am still figuring out how to best manage my time. However, even though I technically have less free time in my day, I feel more productive and focused than before. I have met some amazing people and started baking again - a passion I gave up a long time ago because I claimed I had 'no time'; I've also replaced my hours of being hunched over a computer with being up on my feet.

So give it a go. Switch things up and see what happens...
