Past, Present, Future

Let go of what was, appreciate what is, and welcome what could be.

Let go of what was, appreciate what is, and welcome what could be.

"Tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live" - Alan Watts

How long should we hold on to the past?

How far ahead dare we look into the future?

The Past

When you think back to your past, how far back do you look?

We are who we are today because of our past experiences.

Yet, over time, we learn to let go of our past. We recognize the moments which served to better our Self, and we release those which did not.

The Present

Ahhh the sweet spot - the present moment.

What if your present is not what you want it to be?

Good news: your present, your experiences, are yours - and only yours.

You are free to make changes in your life at any time.

Be aware of all emotions - of those which you wish to further explore, and of those which you wish to let go.

The Future

Thinking about the future can be scary.

As hard as we try, we don't have complete control over our future.

Things will happen. Things we don't want to happen. Things we didn't plan for.

So now what?

In Conclusion

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do it, because what the world needs is people who have come alive" - Howard Thurman

Stay present. Stay mindful.

Set an intention (or two, or three...) and soak in all which you are feeling. 
