How to Get out of a Yoga Funk

"If we can stay with our feelings and relax our habitual thought responses, we begin to get familiar with the flow - the vinyasa - of our own experience. [...] And as we learn to trust the practice, we learn to more fully trust ourselves." - Cyndi Lee

Someone once told me "you are a teacher, not an instructor". At the moment, I didn't quite understand her intention, but her words always stayed with me.

As an introvert who doesn't enjoy crowds or attention, I sometimes struggle with feeling excited and/or inspired to teach. However, the more I think about the feedback mentioned above, and the more 'I don't feel like teaching' days I have, the more I remember what yoga is all about.

Yoga is not asana. It is not sequencing. It is so much more than that.

Yoga is the assists, the words spoken, the music, the closing quote... the energy. The lifestyle. The connection.


May we remind ourselves that we provide so much more than what's 'on paper'. That when we open our hearts, when we ourselves are vulnerable, that is when we give our best teachings.


May we always remember why we practice yoga. May we practice mindfully and with intention. And may we carry this awareness with us when we step off the mat.

Enjoy the practice -

Om shanti shanti shanti


How To Get Out of a Rut

You lose all motivation and you don't quite feel like yourself - you're stuck in a rut, and ugh, it's exhausting!

You try to escape this rut, but feel as if you're spinning in circles or are frozen in time, unable to move forward.

Take Time to Reflect

I was recently in a rut myself while going through a time of transition. I decided I didn't want to be stuck anymore and took a week off to enjoy some time at the cottage - a place where my distractions would be limited and I could focus on my Self.

I committed to practicing yoga daily and taking every day as an adventure vs a check-list that needed to be completed.

While exploring a nearby town, I came across a photo which really spoke to me:

The message I took from this photo is: do what you love & love will be returned your way. I had my aha moment: I need to stop focusing on what I feel I should be doing, and focus more on what I could be doing - or better yet, what I could be giving.

I devoted myself to being a better teacher: deepening my knowledge as well as being more present for my students. I allowed myself to be more vulnerable, on and off the mat, and in doing so, I began to feel a shift in energy.

I received amazing feedback from students regarding how great they felt after practice: how they experienced an emotional release and/or discovered a new sense of awareness; new job opportunities came in and my self confidence returned. I had escaped the rut!

All You Need is Love

Long story short, here is my advice for you: spend more time doing what you love. Not only will you shine brighter + attract positive vibes, but you will also inspire others to pursue their own passions - and perhaps escape a rut themselves. 
