How to Handle Negative Feedback

"Failure is merely feedback that there is something blocking the path of the emergence and expansion of the greatest version of yourself." - Mother Teresa

I love making others happy. You could even say I'm a bit of a people pleaser. 

So when I received negative feedback from a student last week, I couldn't stop thinking about it. This feedback was given to me through someone else, not the unhappy student, so my mind was racing with questions.

After my mind exhausted itself, I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to please everyone. Not everyone is going to like me and I will receive more negative feedback in life. However, I can choose how to best handle such feedback.

Focus on the Positive

Turn negative feedback into a positive experience. Rather become defensive, or even offended, by the feedback, say thank you and reflect on how this feedback could improve your offering.

Have a Conversation

Remember - just as it's not always easy to hear negative feedback, it's not always easy to give it. Whether you receive negative or positive feedback, have a conversation. Listen. To quote my Dad: 'Ask questions. Don't make a statement'.

There is always more to learn; always room to grow.

May we all stay humble and kind.


How To Be Less Judgy

"Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are"

Fact: Nobody likes being judged.

Yet, we're all guilty of having judged others ourselves. Sometimes we are aware of this judging, other times we're not.

So how do we become less judgy?


Stay present and listen to your thoughts. Are they positive? Are they negative?


If you judge someone, acknowledge it vs going on the defensive.


Pause and reflect on why you did.

Hold on to what you learn and apply it to bettering yourself.
