The Beauty of Letting Go
/In our daily lives, we are faced with different societal pressures - always striving for something, always doing our best. We're told to be strong, to be confident, to always give 110%.
But what if you only give say, 60%? Does this mean you are weak, or even lazy?
Power Yoga
As I attend different yoga classes, I notice an emphasis on teaching a more workout style yoga practice. After class, students discuss whether or not the class was challenging enough - I heard one student say 'I was done after 20 minutes', as she raved about the class.
Strength in Surrender
When I teach Power Yoga classes, I encourage students to let go vs push themselves - to surrender, to be soft.
There is so much strength in surrender - the strength to let go of your ego; to let go of your image of the asana and bring the awareness to your experience, to your breath.
Next time you are on your mat, take Child Pose when the breath shortens - even if nobody else is. Try giving only 60% and see how you feel.
& most importantly, love your body, love your Self - just the way it is.