The Simple Life

A Fresh Start 

Before beginning this new chapter of my life - quitting my office job to volunteer abroad & deepen my personal practice - I did a major cleaning, getting rid of garbage bags full of stuff.

I left behind empty shelves and only a few items of clothing in my closet - everything else fitting into my backpack for my travels to Spain. 

The Beauty of Simplicity 

Letting go of so many material objects has allowed me to clear away the noise and clutter in my life. 

I no longer have the desire to spend money on clothing, trying to keep up with the ever changing trends, and feel at peace knowing I will be going home to a clean space.

Letting Go

Doing a major cleaning can be difficult as we tend to hold on to things we really don't need. Material objects or not, letting go is never easy

Clothing is a great place to start - selecting only key pieces and donating the rest. Do you really need the new iPhone? New shoes?

Limit your purchases to things you need vs things you want, and discover the joys of living the Simple Life.
