The To-Do List

Do you write a to-do list?

I do. Every single day

I sometimes even add the simplest tasks to my list - strictly for the pleasure of crossing them off. 

To-Do List = Distraction? 

Sometimes I wonder if having a to-do list distracts us from the present moment - always thinking about what to do next vs appreciating our current experiences. 

Tick Tock...

As my final days at Suryalila approach, I can't help but think of all the things I want to do before I leave. 

The other day I took Loba, a fellow volunteer's dog, for a walk. She was pulling me along the trail, chasing the smell of rabbits, as I went through my list in my head.

I began to notice the most beautiful views every time she pulled me into a ditch. I paused & felt a huge smile creep up on my face - this was my lesson - to be present. To appreciate my surroundings vs focus on all the things I want to do.

Thank you, Loba, for the very important lesson - as great as to-do lists may be, leave them on paper & simply do

