Forever A Student

Since graduating from my YTT, attending other teachers' classes hasn't been the same.

I was making mental notes of the things I didn't enjoy vs simply being a student and enjoying the practice.

I recently decided to give attending classes another go. Instead of thinking of what I did not enjoy, I instead focused on all that I could learn. 

Not only have I learned new transitions, new vocabulary, new music - I learned a lot about my Self. 

As I attend other teachers' classes, I am reminded of the benefits of Yoga - how Yoga is so much more than just asanas

Self Confidence/Love

During my first few classes, I felt the temptation to compare myself to others in the room. I felt insecure about my body - adjusting clothing, checking myself out in the mirror, etc. A few classes in, the insecurity was gone. I began to feel a love for my Self. A love for every imperfection, every little 'roll'. I felt beautiful - even in a trendy Yoga studio where students were wearing clothing worth more than one of my paychecks.

Peace of Mind

On the mat, I forget about all my troubles, all my worries. All that matters is the present moment, the sensations, the emotions, the breath. 


In class, I was challenged by movements I never knew were possible - that extra chaturanga, the extra second in handstand. Our strength is challenged in Yoga - physically and emotionally.


Everyone is on their mat for their own reasons. May we all support one another vs compare ourselves to others.

Why do YOU practice Yoga? 


Photo taken by the lovely Lidiya Petkova during my YTT at Suryalila.

Photo taken by the lovely Lidiya Petkova during my YTT at Suryalila.