The Walls We Put Up
/On and off the yoga mat, we use walls as a way of protecting ourselves.
But how much do these walls really protect us?
On the Mat
Walls can be great support when practicing more intimidating asanas, such as inversions, as they help you gain confidence in the postures. It is always important to be safe in your asana practice, however, there comes a time where the wall is holding you back from growth in your practice.
When you are ready, ease your way away from the wall and mindfully face your fear of falling.
Off the Mat
Sometimes we put up walls around ourselves to feel less vulnerable, to avoid rejection.
Yes, in putting up these walls you reduce the risk of these not so enjoyable things, but you also reduce your chances of experiencing something great.
Be a witness to what walls you put up, and which ones you are ready to let down.
Accept there will come a time where you will fall; you will one day have your heart broken. Let go of any fear of being hurt and trust you are strong enough to get back up.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Confucius