No More Bad Days
/The next time you catch yourself saying 'Ugh, I'm having such a bad day', know that we don't have bad days, but rather experience bad moments.
Here are a few tips on how to turn bad days into great days:
- Meditate: Take a few minutes to close down your eyes. Observe the thoughts that are present, then slow down your breath and quiet the mind.
- Stretch/Workout: Get moving! Physical exercise will give you a boost of energy and provide a sense of satisfaction as you do something good for your health.
- Focus on gratitude: Simply being alive and breathing are gifts we should never take for granted.
- List off qualities: This may sound a little vain, but saying out loud all the things you like about yourself will give you a boost of confidence and turn any frown upside down.
- Smile!: Even if you need to force a smile, do it. Smiling will instantly make you feel better, as well as provide a positive energy to those around you.
In Summary
We can't control every moment in life. However, we can control our attitude towards them.
Choose your reactions wisely.
The smallest changes in your attitude, can make the the biggest changes in your day.